This was a small graphics program done with Win32 api. The program takes in a text document with a list of shapes, lights and a viewpoint. Shapes include spheres, parallelograms, planes, ellipses, pyramids, and tori. Each shape also had color, reflective, and opaqueness properties passed to the program. Each light in the input list was either an omni-directional light or a directed light with a vector indicating direction. Each light also had a property of how bright it is in the scene.
This program works by getting the color of each pixel in the drawing window by sending a ray from the viewpoint through the pixel and into the scene. It goes until it hits an object and, depending on the properties of that object, will reflect off the object or refract through the object. It does this for a number of bounces, or until it hits a light source. After analyzing each bounce, the program will return the true color of that pixel to the drawing window.
FATHOM was the first year masters game developed by myself and two other programmers. The concept of the game is an isomorphic top down space shooter with simulated planetary gravity and orbit physics. The player controls their ship and attempt to destroy the enemy ship before theirs is taken out. Everything from the players’ ships to each missile can be affected by nearby planetary bodies, allowing them to curve and even orbit those bodies.
![Game 2011-06-28 02-35-32-13](
The game offers a choice between three ships that move and are affected by gravity in different ways. The game offers two different modes, single player against an AI ship, and mult-player where two players can face off against one another. The game also supports input from either keyboard controls or a connected X-Box controller.
![Game 2011-06-28 02-34-35-51](
Specifically on this project, I came up with and programmed the physics engine for the gravity system. In addition, I programmed how the objects in game were maintained as well as the properties each object has, such as if the object can move or if it can be destroyed on impact with another object.
This was a small graphics program done with OpenGl. The objects are divided into either being an occluder, or an object to render. If all the vertices of an object are behind the occlusion map created by all the occluder objects, then it is removed from the list of objects to be rendered. The occlusion map can be seen in the lower left hand corner when enabled. The scene can be moved around in real time, and will update the objects to either be rendered or not.
![occlusion mapping](
Tek was the second year game designed by myself and 3 other programmers as well as 3 artists. The concept of the game is a gladiatorial style game with robots with different game modes. The player can either combat different waves of robots of increasing difficulty, or team up with other robots in a king of the hill style game. Players use the mouse to control which way they want to attack or block.
Players can also grab objects around the arena and throw them at enemies. You can also grab enemies and throw them around as well.
Specifically, in this project I worked as the producer to keep everything on the project straight and on time. In the game itself, I coded the audio system using FMOD, and I designed and coded the game modes as well as how objects spawned on the map. If you want to read up more about this game, please go to the game’s website itself at tek-the-game.
Thank you for visiting my site. Soon I’ll be posting projects that I’ve worked on and sample code of each.